Today’s building is much more than an electrified, lighted, heated and cooled shell as it was in the past. It is a complex integration of components including voice, data, safety, security and energy conservation/building automation systems which provide “intelligence” to the building.These components require an infrastructure integrated within the building along with the dedicated space (real estate) and electrical power to support these systems’ head end components.
In the early 1990's, C-Quest discovered that these requirements were not considered during the design documentation process but during the construction or start-up phases of the project. C-Quest began addressing these needs by providing design of structured cabling infrastructure systems, interfacing with the multitude of the systems’ vendors to support their needs, and working with the architect to provide the dedicated space required for these systems.This is provided within the Engineering design documentation in tandem with our base building Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, and Fire Protection/Detection systems design.